Lucy Toastinne's Portifolio

Hi I'm Lucy, I m 19 years old I'm graduated in the High School, and I am a logistic technician graduated by Etec Guarulhos from São Paulo, Brazil.
I worked for three months in the Chama Supermercados, a supermarket located in Lavras, Guarulhos.
I am searching projects to work as a Freelancer in the Home Office as a front end programmer, a back end programmer, a full stack programmer and a professional illustrator, because I have a big interest in course these areas in the future and I want to specialize in these areas.

My most popular GitHub projects

This link will redirectvyou into my GitHub profile where you will see my popular projects as a programmer

My Devianart profile

This link will redirect you in my Devianart profile where you can see my works of my art portifolio

Social Media Section

My contact forms are located in the below icon

My Data Analisys Projects